The People on the Train

by 1:00 AM
The noisy eater – no doubt the most annoying people during a journey. It’s gross and so so irritating. The ill person – coughing and blowing their noses the whole, not a problem as long as they’re not right next to you to pass on their germs. The reader – the best type of commuter. (Me) The loud laugher – We get it, you’re enjoying your conversation, but it’s not all that fun for us loners. The phone caller – some people talk

5 Positives of Working Full Time

by 1:00 AM
1.     It keeps you busy – 8 hours for 5 days a week are occupied without having to organise anything. 2.     Days off are more productive – When I didn’t work I was so lazy most of the time because I had too much free time now I have just two days to go shopping, go to the gym, see friends and do whatever else I need to do. 3.     Less time to stress over the little things – when I get home

Annoying Things You Encounter When Travelling

by 1:00 AM
1.     Delays – As if the 2 hour check-in wasn’t bad enough. 2.     Failed technology – those machines that scan your passport, great if they work, really irritating when they don’t. 3.     People leaving bottles of drink in their bag – there are signs everywhere and it seriously holds up the queues at security. 4.     The rush to the plane – we have allocated seats why are you running to be at the front? 5.     Turbulence – if you’re afraid of flying more

My Bedroom Walls

by 10:38 AM
Anyone who enters my room will stand around staring at my walls. That’s because they are covered. I cover them in anything I find. Here is what's on them and what they look like: Posters of Peanuts Mirrors Shelves and mini cabinets of a thousand ornaments Birthday and Christmas cards Calendars Magazine cut outs Fairy lights Dragon Painting by my sister Cork board White board Snoopy paintings by my Gramps Photographs Other paintings randomly bought Postcards from Paperchase Necklace hanger

Assessment Day Style Interview Tips

by 1:00 AM
These tips are aimed at hospitality job interviews. 1.     Smile! May seem obvious to some but if you suffer from resting bitch face you may need to pay more attention and make sure to smile. 2.     Talk to other interviewees – You’ll probably be asked to talk to others but the interviewers will be paying attention to how well you interact with them. Be interested in getting to know them, you may see them as competition but forget about that. Meeting new people

Baby Fever or Baby Never

by 1:00 AM
As I read the editor’s letter of Cosmopolitan (November issue) where Farrah Storr said she had previously written an article on her decision not to have children and all the criticism she received, I couldn’t help but think about some of the celebrities *cough cough Jen Aniston* that have been scrutinised for their childless lives. And it baffles me. Now at 21 years old, more and more people I knew at school are having children, and more and more of these children are

Why I Won't Do Tutorials

by 1:00 AM
I can spend hours watching videos of hair and make-up tutorials and I watch in fascination and jealously. Bloggers are often encouraged to expand their blog into videos for YouTube and the like. But it’s just not for me and here are some reasons why. 1.     My Face – I lose respect for anyone that feels they can make negative comments about a person’s appearance, but as someone who can’t step foot out the house without make-up on I don’t think I could

Things You Will Get Over

by 1:00 AM
1.     Failing an exam – at school tests can feel like the most important things in the world. You’ll soon realise they aren’t. Most exams you can retake so just take it in your stride and keep trying until you pass. 2.     Failing your driving test – I failed twice and I was shocked at just how down it made me. But after talking to other friends who had failed a driving test I realised I wasn’t alone. Yeah it would have been

My 1 Week Blogging Challenge

by 6:34 AM
I am not a serious blogger. I do it for fun when I think of an interesting (to some) idea for a post. This means my posts are sporadic. Therefore I am setting myself a challenge to post every day for a week. I will then be off to Barcelona to visit my friend so won’t be active. But it will give me a chance to see what type of posts I am most pleased with, so please don’t hesitate to give your

Annoying Things When Driving

by 3:25 PM
1.     Not being thanked – manners cost nothing and when it comes to driving there are several ways of showing your thanks. When you’ve been let in front of someone, thank them! 2.     People not driving properly in the lane – you make me nervous and I’m not okay watching this. 3.     Swaying side to side – I don’t know what you’re doing that means you keep veering to each side but again you make nervous. 4.     Not indicating – the whole point

6 Things to Expect Working in a Nightclub

by 2:00 AM
1.     The worst sleeping pattern – of course working in a nightclub means working nights, getting home at 8a.m. does not equal a decent night of beauty sleep. It does however mean a maccies breakfast on the way home. 2.     Clean up is long – every bottle has to be moved, every side has to be wiped down, every cup has to be washed. It is not a quick job. 3.     Getting hit on constantly – sounds flattering but it’s far from it

6 Things I learnt during my week alone

by 1:45 PM
My mom went away for a week with her boyfriend to Copenhagen, leaving me in the house alone. Here are a few things I realised during that week: 1.     I’m not good on my own. I say I was alone, I had a friend stay with me for two nights, one of which was a night out. And then nearly every other day I went out or had people round, turns out I really don’t like an empty house. 2.     I wasn’t that

9 Things I Loved about the Olympics Rio 2016

by 3:19 PM
As the closing ceremony is about to begin I thought I would reflect on the things I have most enjoyed about this Olympics and it’s made me very excited for Tokyo 2020! 1.     The excitement! Watching team GB compete for medals has to be one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking thing ever. Waiting to find out if Jason Kenny would win another gold medal the same night as his fiancé Laura Trott – amazing. 2.     The range of sports If I’m not

Where I've Been

by 9:09 AM
It’s been nearly four months since I last posted anything. Whilst I’m not the most regular of bloggers, that is still a long time for me. So here’s what I’ve been doing. End of April – Last of my deadlines for university and UCAS Exhibition Early May – Last few days in Derby seeing friends Mid-end of May – Week in London for my sister’s birthday June – Holiday to Fuerteventura with uni friends and started working in a night club July –

The People on the Train

The noisy eater – no doubt the most annoying people during a journey. It’s gross and so so irritating. The ill person – coughing and blowing their noses the whole, not a problem...

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5 Positives of Working Full Time

1.     It keeps you busy – 8 hours for 5 days a week are occupied without having to organise anything. 2.     Days off are more productive – When I didn’t work I was...

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Annoying Things You Encounter When Travelling

1.     Delays – As if the 2 hour check-in wasn’t bad enough. 2.     Failed technology – those machines that scan your passport, great if they work, really irritating when they don’t. 3.     People...

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My Bedroom Walls

Anyone who enters my room will stand around staring at my walls. That’s because they are covered. I cover them in anything I find. Here is what's on them and what they look...

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Assessment Day Style Interview Tips

These tips are aimed at hospitality job interviews. 1.     Smile! May seem obvious to some but if you suffer from resting bitch face you may need to pay more attention and make sure...

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Baby Fever or Baby Never

As I read the editor’s letter of Cosmopolitan (November issue) where Farrah Storr said she had previously written an article on her decision not to have children and all the criticism she received,...

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Why I Won't Do Tutorials

I can spend hours watching videos of hair and make-up tutorials and I watch in fascination and jealously. Bloggers are often encouraged to expand their blog into videos for YouTube and the like....

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Things You Will Get Over

1.     Failing an exam – at school tests can feel like the most important things in the world. You’ll soon realise they aren’t. Most exams you can retake so just take it in...

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My 1 Week Blogging Challenge

I am not a serious blogger. I do it for fun when I think of an interesting (to some) idea for a post. This means my posts are sporadic. Therefore I am setting...

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Annoying Things When Driving

1.     Not being thanked – manners cost nothing and when it comes to driving there are several ways of showing your thanks. When you’ve been let in front of someone, thank them! 2.    ...

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6 Things to Expect Working in a Nightclub

1.     The worst sleeping pattern – of course working in a nightclub means working nights, getting home at 8a.m. does not equal a decent night of beauty sleep. It does however mean a...

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6 Things I learnt during my week alone

My mom went away for a week with her boyfriend to Copenhagen, leaving me in the house alone. Here are a few things I realised during that week: 1.     I’m not good on...

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9 Things I Loved about the Olympics Rio 2016

As the closing ceremony is about to begin I thought I would reflect on the things I have most enjoyed about this Olympics and it’s made me very excited for Tokyo 2020! 1.    ...

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Where I've Been

It’s been nearly four months since I last posted anything. Whilst I’m not the most regular of bloggers, that is still a long time for me. So here’s what I’ve been doing. End...

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